Celebrations All Round

There have been quite a few birthdays in the air over the past couple of weeks. First there was mine and I had a great time over two evenings, on the actual day and then on the following Saturday. My bestest friends Anuja and Annie took me for Thai dinner on my birthday, at an outdoor restaurant next to the golf driving range. Just five of us: Anuja and her hubby and Annie and her hubby and the old birthday lady! The following Saturday a bunch of us had a great night at Anuja's, playing poker, cranium and some very energetic golf and tennis and bowling and boxing on the Wii.
This past Saturday, we got together to celebrate Annie's and Anuja's dad's birthdays with a great lunch, then a walk, then tea. Annie and her husband and Gavin, their little boy, Anuja and her parents and my treasure Eshaan (Anuja's little boy). Last night, on Annie's actual birthday, Anuja and I were treated to a delicious hotpot dinner then a couple of games of pool, by Annie and her husband. They are such a lovely couple, and the four of us had a great time! I was glad to learn that I hadn't forgotten how to wield a pool cue even though it has been almost 10 years since I played.
I've had some awesome food over the past two weeks. Of particular note was the deep fried chicken on Sunday, Chinese style. We scarfed that down good style. There wasn't much left on the serving plate by the time we were done :

Well, happy belated birthday, my green-eyed friend! Life has been smiling upon you lately...and that's a good thing!
Happy belateds ... ummm ... is that the chicken head?
Happy Belated Birthday!! and pleasure to meet you as well..\
happy belated birthday!!!
Thank you Jonas, yes I am indeed in a wonderfully happy and content place in my life - and long may it last :)
George - thank you and yes that is indeed the chicken head ....all that was left was the head, the decorative orchid and the serving fork. Had it been pigeon we'd eaten, the head wouldn't have been left behind, not with Anuja there *L*
Susan - thank you :)
Soph - thank you for that, and by the way we never got to do either of your suggestions for SFO, we just didn't have the time. So they are on the list for another time :)
Oh heavens! I just had to go back to check that chicken head - didn't quite see it the first time!
Anyway... belated happy birthday to you, Fi and many many happy returns. Next time you'll be celebrating with 'him' so it will be even happier!
I don't think I could eat with that chicken head on my plate. So not only can I not travel with you, but now I can't have chinese style deep fried chicken with you either. I wonder what's next. ;)
Once again, happy belated birthday, lovely lady!
Thank you FB for the belated wishes....yes, that's definitely a head *L*
Anna - Thank you :) Oh it's just something you get used to. When you order a whole chicken here, you get the WHOLE chicken *L* You probably don't want graphic details of what actually went into the hotpot ;)
What are you trying to do to me? Showing pictures of empty plates!
The happiest of birthday's Fi.
What're you on about s'mee, the head is all yours LOL
Thankee for the birthday wishes, the next one is a biggie!!!
I checked out the photos from your trip, very nice!
I think that sometimes those of us who live in Cali. take it for granted.
It was fun to see it thru your eyes!
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