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Thursday, November 30, 2006


With much sadness and a heavy heart, I have removed the link to DG's blog. It seems he won't be returning. I know there has been some speculation as to the reasons behind his sudden disappearance, there probably always will be.

For me, he was a good friend on several levels. I miss him and his words.

And I shall always be so incredibly thankful to him for encouraging me to start blogging. For it is through this medium that I have found new friendships, and more.

Wherever you are DG, may your journey be a safe and loving one. And if you ever drop by and see this, e-mail me damnit!!

1 comment:

Mia said...

*Sighs* I too miss him, he was one of my first regulars, he's been my blogging buddy since I started Sept/04.

If you're reading this DG, we miss you and love you. *BIG HUGS*


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