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Sunday, May 25, 2008

The Scent of My Man

I change my bed linen every week and I was supposed to change it a week ago, the day he left.

But I couldn't. I couldn't bear to part from the last thing he left behind. His scent on the sheets, the pillows. Today I did the laundry. Fitted bottom sheet, top sheet, duvet cover and five out of six pillowcases. I kept one pillow untouched, the pillow I hold every night, the pillow I snuggle with and breathe into.

The pillow I fall asleep holding every night, as though I'm still holding him.


Fusion said...

I say it doesn't get washed by anyone other than him, personally.

I think that sounds about right.


anna said...

I've said it before and I will keep saying it until it happens. You two MUST find a way to be together permanently.

Am I nagging yet?

Fiona said...

Hey John, good idea - and a couple other loads of washing too :;

Anna - keep nagging *L*....we're working on it, exploring all our possibilities to make the best decision. Soon, that is our one goal :)

Anonymous said...

I swear Fi, I don't know how you do it. My heart would have broken in two by now.


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