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Monday, August 04, 2008


Yesterday morning, I woke up and immediately cursed. My air conditioner was making a strange noise and I just thought that there couldn't possibly be a worse time of year for it to give up on me. We've had record heat here in the past week or so and, combined with our 80-95% humidity, the lack of my bedroom air conditioning unit would make for a very unpleasant time indeed.

I went to use the bathroom and at that point realised the humming wasn't coming from my air conditioner at all, but from the inside of my ears!!! Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm just a constant, fairly loud hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

I'm not an alarmist when it comes to little aches and pains and hummmmmmmmmms, but a few other things have been going on lately which, when put together with this new and incessant hummmmmmmmmmmmmm, leads me to worry a little bit:

1. I seem to have developed a tendency to tilt to the left when I get up in the morning, to the point I've toppled over a couple of times, luckily onto my bed!

2. I have had, over the past couple of months, about four incidences of peculiar vision - not dizziness or blurred vision, but what feels like the vision from my right eye passing to my left, and vice versa. No just a mild sensation but so strong that I have to stop what I'm doing and close my eyes for a minute or two.

3. I've had a persistent headache which comes and goes, it's usually with me for a day at a time then it disappears for a week or so.

4. Over the past couple of weeks, I seem to have developed motion sickness, something I've never in my life suffered from. Now, however, the five-minute taxi ride home leaves me considerably nauseous.

5. When going upstairs recently, I've misjudged the placement of my foot on one or two steps.

I went to the doctor today, that's how concerned I became when I started adding things up. And of course googling led me down a path to possible brain tumour and aneurism. So I have a referral to the Otorhinolaryngologist (now I know why we call them ENT specialists!) on Wednesday, where he will look further into these symptoms. I have to say the GP wasn't particularly concerned, in fact he said that I probably just need more sleep and to get my eyes tested. I told him they were tested only three months ago so I'm sure it's not that and as for sleep, I get plenty of catchup sleep over the weekend. Thinking back, the 'more sleep' prescription of his seems to be pretty standard whether for an eye infection, a viral infection, a UTI or this damn humming in my ears!

What needs to be said is that I don't have music plugged directly in to my ears, in fact the last device I had which required earplugs, was a Sony Walkman - an original Sony Walkman, the big yellow plastic 'Sport' version, for cassette tapes. That should give you a clear idea of how long ago that was. I don't use a mobile phone much at all, not even every day. My tv sound level is mid-range, as is my hi-fi. Yes, Hong Kong is a noisy place, but I don't go to noisy bars or clubs. I avoid any and all jackhammering on the roads and haven't had a pile-driver close enough to do anything but make my building shudder a little.

So, I'm just wondering if anyone else has had these symptoms collectively, or even any of them individually?


kimba said...

.. maybe it is an inner ear infection? I had one of those almost 20 years ago - gave me vertigo/motion sickness and made me dizzy so I couldn't stand up.. I can't remember the humming though..

If someone correctly diagnoses you can we get a prize?

Hope it goes away soon whatever it is, my friend x

sophie n said...

oh gosh...

i get chills just reading the hummmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

get better soon!

Trueself said...

Though I've not had those symptoms personally, I had a dear friend a few years ago who had quite the case of vertigo. If I remember right she had many, if not all, of the symptoms you describe. I believe the cause in her case was an inner ear infection, just as Kimba has indicated above.

Crossing my fingers that all turns out okay for you.

Constance said...

Never had any of them, let alone collectively, Fiona. It is worrisome. Glad that you are going to see an ENT on Wednesday. Hope he has a clear answer after he does some tests.

Kimba might be on the right track.

Fusion said...
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Fusion said...

My first dumb thought is a brain tumor too, but you know why.

Actually Kimba is most likely right here, I have a good friend who has suffered from them many times, to the point of not being able to get up or move his head even a little without feeling sick. Poor guy even got it on his wedding night a couple years ago, and had to pospone the marriage act for a week or so until it passed.
But I can't help but feel this might be due to stress and overwork too...
Ok, I won't harp...
Take care and hope you feel better soon!

sorry for the delete, I shouldn't write before I've had my morning coffee...

Jac said...

3 antibiotics and a hug from your husband and I'll bet you'll be good as new.

Veracity said...

It's possible you've got an inner ear infection. But there are other things that might be causing the problem as well. Found this patient resource for you: http://www.labyrinthitis.org.uk/.

Hope it helps... and I think you did the right thing going for expert opinion. Hope you get well soon.

: )))))

Sunny Delight said...

Yep, had very similar symptoms a few years ago for months and months,still come to visit me on occasion... I didn't go to the doctor until it became overly annoying...and, there was really nothing to be done. I unfortunately can't remember the diagonosis now.
I was prescribed. an anti-vertigo drug which helped, but it also made me sleepy, so I ended up choosing the lesser of two evils...which was the light-headedness...btw...it does get worse when I am lacking sleep and/or highly stressed....
See the doc, and fingers crossed for a simple explantation...BBGR!! HUGS.

Jonas said...

Just see a specialist and report back to us, Fiona! M'kay? It could be nothin', it could be serious. Just get a good diagnosis!

Anonymous said...

I get dizzy from time to time. It's my inner ear and I have tipped over as a result of it. It comes and goes of it's own accord. Right now I have it if I move my head to quickly, it feels like my eyes take a bit longer to catch up. Nothing they can do about mine, it's not an infection.

freebird said...

Sounds horrid - wouldn't dream of guessing what it is though. I hope the docs sort it out soon, Fi.

anna said...

I have no idea what it could be. I'm just glad you're listening to your body and seeking help/answers. I hope it's nothing serious. Please report back update us.


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